The earworm of your brand.

Audio Branding and Jingles
music & sounds for advertising
brand identity soundscapes
Audio branding is the earworm of a brand. Like a graphic logo, audio branding serves to give a brand recognition and individuality, making it stand out from the crowd
Nowadays it is not only large companies that make use of so-called sound logos. Many medium-sized and smaller companies are also aware of the importance of brand recognition. Audio branding makes a decisive contribution to this. Because paired with audio-visual advertising materials, a consistent sound gives the whole thing an intensified effect. The target audience will feel more connected to the brand and they will have a certain feeling and association with the brand once they listen closely. – And that’s what it’s all about. Creating positive associations with the brand that make the company stand out and be unique.
The brand’s message should be conveyed transparently and clearly via a so-called sound logo, also known as a jingle. The jingle is often a very short, but nevertheless exciting and interesting sound representation of the brand. After all, it should be used across the board in all audiovisual advertising media, so stylistic recognizability is the be-all and end-all.
With a good jingle, nothing stands in the way of consolidating a positive brand image with the customer. Jan offers acoustic branding and advertising, e.g. in the form of jingles or acoustic branding for companies of all sizes.